Join us on Wednesday, October 25th for the Club's Speaker's Series, spearheaded by the Young Professionals Committee!
The Discussion
Does the United Nations model still work? A discussion on the challenges and prospects for the future of multilateralism.
UCM member Kim Fontaine-Skronski, co-editor of the book, Does the UN Model Still Work? Challenges and Prospects for the Future of Multilateralism, will be discussing the state of the international system and the challenges it faces in a world of profound geopolitical and technological transformations.
Edited by Kim Fontaine-Skronski, Executive Director of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Valériane Thool, Lecturer in International Law at University of Sherbrooke, and Norbert Eschborn, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Canada, the book is composed of original articles from scholars and policy notes from practitioners based on the contributions to the Conference "The UN at 75: Challenges and Prospects for the Future of Multilateralism" organized by IPSA in 2020.
Published by Brill (December 2022), the book attempts to draw up the state of multilateralism through the UN model and identify potential ways to address its challenges and shortcomings. The contributors question the role of multilateralism, sometimes accused of being fragmented, inefficient and unrepresentative, and its impact on global governance, democracy, trade and investment, the environment, and human rights.
Price: $35.00 plus taxes and service.
Inclusions: One glass of wine or beer, a selection of canapes and the opportunity to listen to the Guest Speaker and participate in the discussion. All additional beverages will be charged by consumption.
Dining: The dining room will be open after the event for those who wish to extend their evening and dine at the Club!
Contact Teri to register: | 438-496-0102
Executive Director of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) at Concordia University
Remembering our heritage, writing the future
Dans le respect de notre héritage, écrivons l'avenir