Assemblée Générale Annuelle - 24 May 2022 - 16h30 -
Maison Forget
16h30 à 17h Maison forget pour bouchées et vin
17h: Assemblée Générale Annuelle
Welcome to members, bienvenue aux membres
Confirm quorum
Presentation of the agenda
• Motion d'acceptation de l'ordre du jour. Motion to accept the agenda
Review the minutes of the last AGM meeting held on May 25th, 2021.
• Motion d'acceptation des minutes. Motion to accept the minutes
Report from President, Erik Moisan (includes all changes to membership categories and pricing)
Report from the treasurer: Laurent Liagre
Motion 1: Ratification of the change of auditors for last year
Motion 2: -Nomination des auditeurs la Firme Gosselin et Associés
Appointment of Auditors for current year
Motion 3: ratification of the decisions of council for the previous year.
Election of new executives, election of new council: (Francois Senecal)
Comments and report from incoming President Thomas Lesley.
Motion 4:
- Gradually reduce the size of Council for the next three years, réduction de la quantité des membres du conseil de manière graduelle sur trois ans.
Ratification des changements au règlement. Ratification for the changes to the By-Law
- Reconnaissance des membres décédés depuis mai 2021.
Recognition of members who past away since Mai 2021.
A Stuart Hyndman, Q.C.
Louis Villeneuve
- Reconnaissance des membres ayant obtenu le statut d'Honoris Causa en février 2022.
Recognition of members who are now in the Honoris Causa category starting February 2022
Julian Armstrong O'Brien
Chilion F.G. Heward
William K. Kovalchuk
Next meeting: 5 Mai 2023
Levée de l'assemblée
Executive Director de cioc
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