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Thursday, June 3, 2021 (6:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EDT)

Carola Weil (Dean, School of Continuing Studies at McGill University)

Carola Weil

Dean, School of Continuing Studies at McGill University

Carola Weil, PhD, MPM, C.Mgr.
Dr. Carola Weil was appointed Dean of McGill University’s School of Continuing Studies in Montreal, Canada, and Associate Professor (CAS) on July 1, 2018, and is an affiliate member of McGill University’s Department of Political Science. A political scientist and policy analyst by training (MA/PhD in Political Science & Master’s of Policy Management, University of Maryland; B.A in History from Bryn Mawr College), with a focus on international/human security, conflict transformation and public diplomacy,

Carola Weil's career has straddled public policy, non-profit and philanthropic sectors in addition to higher education. Carola Weil was one of several co-founders of Women In International Security (WIIS), an international educational and professional network dedicated to the advancement of women in foreign affairs and defense policy careers, and served as WIIS' Executive Director in the 1990s. Dr. Weil consults on strategy and organizational development, as well as on topics related to diversity and inclusion, and the future of work and lifelong learning. She conducted peacebuilding work and research in and on conflict zones in Central Africa and Southwest Asia, as well on transatlantic relations.
